Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Property is for sale!!!!

We are ready for semi - retirement after 26 years of being "pumkins Pastimes" antiques, and 10 years of "Pumkins Tearoom" !

We will be moving to Lac du Bonnet with the intent of semi retiring into the antique business. Terry and I will take our interest to shows across Canada and the USA.

So what is for Sale?

The property consists of a beautiful, lush 5 acres of , ash, elm, pine, spruce, aspen, maple, oak, poplar, and fruit trees.

Natural plantings of Saskatoon, pincherry, plum, hazelnuts, chokecherry, high bush cranberry, wild roses, dogwood, and willow. There are brick paths, perennial gardens, and water features . In front of the property, there is a natural pond which currently houses 3 painted turtles. There are plenty of song birds nesting in the yard.

Out back there is a former riding ring of considerable size, paddock, and a small 2 horse barn.

The major buildings consist of a 1 3/4 storey house, a 2 storey barn, and a large storage building.

for more information call us @ 1-204-866-3440

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