Monday, February 14, 2011

We did it!

Time has passed and so much has happened. We sold our property and moved to Lac du Bonnet. The people who purchased our property in Anola have chosen to keep it as a private residence. Terry and I wish them all the best. Our home was a part of us for 30 years, and we leave it with saddened hearts, but wish upon the new owners a happy and loving home.
We are pretty much settled in our new home in Lac du Bonnet, and we are enjoying the beautiful winter season. However, life is a bit different,to say the least. Terry and I are "retired" from the "retail store" and are pondering our antique future. Surrounded by our faithful customers for so many years on a day to day basis, it is such a change to have just the two of us enjoying quiet in the household. Terry pays a lot of attention to "Bennie" the beagle. I don't think Bennie has been on so many adventures. I myself bake to my hearts content, enjoy the grandchildren, and sew once again. This spring will bring many challenges our way with landscaping. Something to look forward to.
Overall, we are starting to explore our surroundings. Decisions have to be made......

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